Palestinian President Urges Hamas for Gaza Deal: Dire Consequences Loom



Palestinian President Urges Hamas for Gaza Deal

Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas issues a urgent plea to Hamas, urging swift agreement on a Gaza deal to prevent dire consequences, according to Palestinian news agency reports.

Abbas emphasizes the critical need for a prisoner deal to safeguard Palestinian people from potential catastrophe, evoking the historic Nakba of 1948.

The conflict’s origins trace back to an October 7 Hamas attack, resulting in casualties and abductions. Israel cites approximately 100 hostages in Hamas captivity, with Hamas holding remains of around 30 others.

The internationally recognized Palestinian Authority (PA), seated in Ramallah, remains sidelined in ceasefire talks hosted by Egypt, amidst ongoing Palestinian aspirations for statehood.

The United States, a key funder of the PA, supports Palestinian statehood but calls for leadership reform. Abbas’s plea coincides with evolving ceasefire negotiations and Israeli threats of expanded offensive.

Meanwhile, Egypt-hosted talks continue as Israeli forces conduct a rescue operation in Rafah, resulting in casualties. A ceasefire deal offers hope for relief in Gaza’s fifth-month war.